Giving Methods



A gift of cash may be eligible for income tax deductions as prescribed by current law. Your cash gift may be by check, credit card or electronic funds transfer, which authorizes the automatic transfer of funds each month from your checking or savings account. Pledging a gift over several years may allow you to increase its size and effect, while adjusting the timing and amount of each payment to optimize your tax position.


Marketable Securities and Gifts of IRA

A gift of publicly-traded stick, bonds or mutual fund shares is eligible to be matched at the full fair market value. Such a gift may provide you with additional tax benefits, as you will not pay capital gains tax on the appreciation in the value of the securities.

Individuals who have reached age 70 1/2 may contribute up to $100,000 directly from their Individual Retirement Account (IRA), without having to recognize the IRA distribution in taxable income. If married, each spouse can transfer up to $100,000 from his or her IRA.


Agricultural Commodities

Gifts of grain or livestock may provide considerable income tax savings to a producer. Because the property is gifted, no revenue is recognized, and the cost of production may still be deducted as a business expense.